Myanmar Interest

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Indonesia's state run oil firm to invest in Myanmar

YANGON, Oct. 6 - Indonesia's state oil and gas firm Pertamina would invest in oil and gas sectors of other ASEAN countries including Myanmar to boost company's oil and gas production, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported.
In a bid to achieve new production targets, Pertamina plans to expand exploration to other ASEAN countries such as Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam, Pertamina's head of exploration division Bambang Tjiptadi told Xinhua News on Sept. 15.
Pertamina is aiming to boost its crude oil production by 2008 to 170,318 barrels per day from 141,839 barrels last year by accelerating the activation of new oil wells, Bambang said.
The company also targeted to increase gas production in the same period to 1.5 million cubic feet per day from last year's 1.09 million cubic feet, he said.
Myanmar's oil and gas sector attracted foreign direct investment of US$112.25 million in 2004 by signing seven exploration contracts with South Korea, China and Thailand, according to official statistics.


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